What We Do
Transforming Generations believes in investing into our youth. We offer space for team building, self-empowerment, and education about healthy relationships, bullying, and various forms of violence that happen at home and in school.
We work with Hmong and Southeast Asian youth. We are dedicated in creating programs to help youth thrive in their lives, recognize barriers, learn how to problem solve and develop self-awareness.
Youth Programs & Services
Advocacy support is provided for youth experiencing family violence, teen dating violence, sexual violence and many other forms of injustice. We provide advocacy both in community and with school partners within the Twin Cities and surrounding suburbs.
Adventure Time
Adventure Time is an 8 week summer program for youth ages 13-15 years old which combines the arts and outdoor activities with education and peer discussions on topics such as consent & boundaries, healthy relationships, gender and sexuality, body image and youth leadership
Sea Transformers: Youth Leadership
Sea Transformers: Youth Leadership is a leadership program designed for youth ages 16-24 years old with a focus on healthy relationships, exploring identity and learning about issues impacting Hmong and Southeast Asian youth.